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The Mind Control Device The seal of my clutching pussy lips around his throbbing asian cock gave way and a cascade of frothing cum and vaginal juices gushed forth, splattering obscenely into my soaked panties and onto the now ruined imported rug. “Yeah, that’s it.” I could see her spit making my dick start to glisten and she Babes slid up and down on my shaft. Mostly since learning to control all the fireflies at once and keeping up with all the dozens of images they were sending massage directly into my mind was the most difficult thing I had ever done. Sonja came minutes later, wheezing like a chain smoker.
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He is a fat man in his forties, bordering on obese, and his head is completely shaven. We had a nice dinner and a couple of drinks when I said “why don’t we go back to the hotel… there’s a nice wet bar in my sweat..” When you wake to find me using you in some way, you must immediately comply with what’s happening without interrupting me. Especially when I use you late at night, unless I indicate otherwise, I’m not interested in your participation, words, or noises. But then my mind created a third option, a fantasy asian come true option.